
Root Causes for performing Dharmanema

1. Dharmanema is performed, whenever a new In-charge (Gadipradhane) of the Daivas is appointed, while he ascends the Dharma Peeta and to enable him to manage the affairs efficiently.

2. Whenever the family stops growing, Dharmanema is performed expecting the birth of a girl child, so that the family grows.

3. Dharmanema is performed to protect life and self-respect.

4. Dharmanema is performed to celebrate the occasion of renovation of the Daiva Sthaana, presenting new Ujjal, Muga, and Kadthale etc.

5. Dharmanema is performed, in the event of reviving and re-uniting a shattered / scattered / cursed family and praying for the growth and well-being of the family in future.

6. In olden days, there are instances of performing Dharmanema to recognize and honour some of the important family houses in the villages, which gradually got converted into Guthus.

Courtesy: Abhilash Chowta, Kodipadi Balike, Suratkal

(Kodamanithaya Mukkaldhi)